Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why in the world would WE want to adopt a baby?

If I had a dollar for everytime I have been asked in the past five years, "Why in the world do you want to adopt a baby?" I could probably make a pretty big dent in paying for the cost of our adoption!!!! 
I admit we don't fit the typical mold for those who adopt.  Roger is 57 and I'm 52.  We are not childless---we have the three best sons in the world--Evan, 21, Keaton 20, and Shea 18.  When we began the process, it wasn't that we weren't satisfied with our family as it was.  AND.....we didn't decide to adopt because we thought we just HAD to have a daughter.  If I had a dollar for everytime someone had said THAT to me, our adoption would probably be TOTALLY paid for!!!!

I really think that God planted the "adoption seed" in me when he created me.  He SO blessed me when he allowed me to give birth to my three sons.  The days of their births were three of the top five best days of my life!!!!  (the first best was when I gave my heart and life to my Lord, and the last was when I married Roger.)  I absolutely loved and STILL love motherhood, and every time I had a baby, I wanted another one.  When Roger and I married, we really wanted a baby, but I was 40 and he was 45 and my "birthing timeclock" just wasn't going to allow that.  We were fine.  As I said we were happy with our three sons.

SO, what happened to start this journey to Molly Kate?  As Paul Harvey would say, "Stay tuned for the REST OF THE STORY!"

1 comment:

  1. Vicki and Roger,
    Waiting anxiously to be your "Molly Kate correspondent!" What a gift you are giving to this precious little girl and what a gift you are getting!

    Love you all,
